TIBCArray Members

TIBCArray class overview.


Name Description

ArrayDimensions (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains the array dimensions count.

ArrayHighBound (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get or set the upper boundary of the defined dimension subscript.

ArrayID (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains the array ID.

ArrayLowBound (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get or set the lower boundary of the defined dimension subscript.

ArraySize (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to determine the size of the whole array data in bytes.

AsString (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to return array as string.

Cached (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Indicates whether to cache array data on the client side.

CachedDimensions (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains cached array dimensions count.

CachedHighBound (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get the upper boundary of defined dimension subscript of cached array elements.

CachedLowBound (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get the lower boundary of the defined dimension subscript of cached array elements.

CachedSize (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get the cached array data size in bytes.

ColumnName (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get or set the name of the table column that has array type.

DbHandle (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains the handle of a database where the array is stored.

IsNull (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to define whether the array field in the database is null.

Items (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get or set array items.

ItemScale (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get or set the scale for array items for the NUMERIC and DECIMAL datatypes.

ItemSize (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains the size of an array item.


Used to return the type of an array element.

Modified (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to indicate if the modifications done in cache were saved to the database.

RefCount (inherited from TSharedObject)

Used to return the count of reference to a TSharedObject object.

TableName (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to set the name of the table containing an array field.

TrHandle (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Contains the handle of the transaction in which the array is read or written.


Name Description

AddRef (inherited from TSharedObject)

Increments the reference count for the number of references dependent on the TSharedObject object.

Assign (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Copies the Source object content to the current one.

ClearArray (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Clears all array values on the server if Cached is set to False.

CreateTemporaryArray (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Creates a temporary array on the InterBase server.

GetArrayInfo (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Used to get array descriptor.

GetItemAsDateTime (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into an object or variable of the TDateTime type.

GetItemAsFloat (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into a floating-point number.

GetItemAsInteger (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into a integer.

GetItemAsSmallInt (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into a short integer.

GetItemAsString (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into a string.

GetItemAsWideString (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the value of an array item into a WideString.

GetItemsSlice (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Returns the array slice items' values.

GetItemValue (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Returns the array item value.

ReadArray (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads an array from the database to memory.

ReadArrayItem (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads the array item specified by indices from the database to memory.

ReadArraySlice (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Reads array slice from the database to memory.

Release (inherited from TSharedObject)

Decrements the reference count.

SetItemAsDateTime (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns the TDateTime value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemAsFloat (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns floating-point value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemAsInteger (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns integer value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemAsSmallInt (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns short integer value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemAsString (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns string value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemAsWideString (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Assigns WideString value to the contents of an array item.

SetItemsSlice (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Sets the array slice values.

SetItemValue (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Sets the array item value.

WriteArray (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Writes all cached array values to the database.

WriteArraySlice (inherited from TCustomIBCArray)

Writes cached array slice.
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